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Adobe Photoshop Plugins

Olympus RAW Plugin for Photoshop

This is the official RAW plugin from Olympus, to use in Photoshop. It is a tricky file to install, and may require you to install it a few times. Restarting your computer and making sure all programs are closed when you install the RAW plugin, is recommended. This Plugin is an "8BA" file, meaning you want to place this where all the other 8BA plugins are located.

RAW Plugins for MAC Users

Macintosh (Mac OS8.6 - 9.2) & Mac OS X are for MAC users.

3rd Party ORF Readers / Converters

ORFSuite (Version 1.25)

Paul Chase Dempsey has released his latest ORF reader & converter. For those who want an alternative to viewing and converting your RAW Olympus E-10 / E-20 photos, this is a good choice.

Version 1.25 version includes the following changes:

- Implemented fast fixed-point versions of the best interpolation algorithms and deleted the rest.
- Add JPEG and Bitmap output
- Add Save Format tab
- Add Fudge option to separate out this tweak from Scale, freeing scale for other uses.
- For Convert All, spawn ORF2TIFF if it is found in the ORF dir. otherwise convert in-process like before
- Added extensive file format options - annotations, exif, JPEG
- File.Open: Rotation (carries down to conversion). Option for embedded thumb (faster, but cropped).
- Fixed mouse wheel image scrolling
- Add wheel mouse support for spin-edit boxes, make hi, lo, and gamma options spin-edit boxes
- ORFDump: Add Exif from JPEG files, -a (append), -b (bare) options, version banner
- ORF2TIFF: bug fixes, version banner, JPEG

ORFSuite v1.25 Quality Settings by Paul Bleicher

OrfSuite Tonecurves

OrfSuite Quality Settings

Paul Bleicher has created settings to maximize the benefits of Paul Chase Dempsey's OrfSuite. Click the above links to download them. Comments made by E-10/20 users have been very positive, so you should give these settings a try.

EXIF Readers

EXIF Reader (v. 2.90; 10-29-2002) (Ruuji Yoshimoto's EXIF Reader)

Exif is a format that digital cameras use to store information on JPEG (.jpg) files, and other file formats (such as RAW and camera-specific RAW formats). Exposure, Date, Time, model and brand of the camera, and several other settings are stored within the camera EXIF file, and are very useful. An Exif Reader, is a program that reads this "meta-information" from the EXIF file and displays it within the reader program.

As of October 29, 2002, Ruuji has updated his EXIF reader to include many other cameras.

As a courtesy, visit the author's website and email him with your comments if you feel the program is a benefit to you. It sure is to me.

Sources For E-10/20 Manuals and more...

Olympus Europe now offers several manuals for downloading, including the E-10, E-20, and FL-40 manuals. These were the most sought after manuals and were very hard to find--one of the reasons why I originally had to scan an FL-40 manual into a PDF document. Download the several dozens of manuals till your heart is content.